Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Garrison Gone Bad

Garrison Gone Bad


Anonymous said...

I thought that was a pretty cool picture. I actually have the item that I heard you need for garrison, but I heard that garrison is like a full alliance of 18 people type thing if you actually want to survive. The level cap is 20, so we could do it, finding 18 people it another story. Oh, by the way, I gave Kusko's wife Mely a linkpearl the other day, so you can add her to the list. I don't think she and Kusko can be online at the same time though, i think they use the same computer.


Ebojager said...

Kongmingtwo, could you post a list of the few others weve added that I have not met? Mely, and I know there are at least 2 more. Thanks.